About us

Raise izzy Foundation - Fund Raiser

Raise izzy - A Platform With A Comprehensive Ecosystem!!!

Everyone deserves a better financial future. We’ve built a marketplace that keeps costs low & opportunities high. Millions of people will benefit by raising funds for their cause. 

Be it for a Personal Need, Social Cause, or a Creative Idea - you can COUNT ON US for the project that you want to Raise Funds for – be it Individual Projects, Ventures, Enterprises, Business Organizations, NGOs, Start-ups, Technology, Energy, Research & Innovation, Infra-Real Estate Projects, Creative-Innovative Ideas, Memorials, Charities, Social Causes, Girl & Women Empowerment, Community-led activities, Micro-Lending to Low-Income people in Rural & Underserved Regions, Water, Sanitation, Health, Medical Treatment, Education, Animal Welfare, Sports, Creative Projects for Art, Theatre, Music, Dance, Films, Media & Events.
Raise izzy- Designs Campaigns to aid for Crowdfunding. A platform with options for campaigners to partner within their network of Investors, Incubators, Accelerators, Mentors; Aiding-Consulting, Marketing Services, Distribution, Sales & Community Endorsements.

Vision - The Difference Is Just A THOUGHT Away !!
  1. Raise izzy helps to STAND in the GAP to provide the things that Needy, Hurting People may need to survive & become self-sufficient. 
  2. Raise izzy’s Humanitarian Projects are committed to helping the Society at Large - A Global Family Around the World.
  3. *   Education, Clothing, Food & Medical Help to School-age Children
  4. *   Health & Nutritional Training for Families & Parents of Deprived Families
  5. *   Helping Communities in Deprived Areas through Micro-Enterprise &  Sustainable Projects 
  6. * A “REWARD - Program” for Investing/Raising Funds for Start-Ups, Entrepreneurs or Organizations; includes Gifts/Discounts/Offers which presells a product or service that are either physical or non-physical-such as a launch of a business concept without incurring debt or sacrificing equity/shares as in a case of receiving a once-in-a-lifetime reward/experience. 

Mission - Dream It ! Fund It ! Live It !

Raise izzy Crowdfunding Platform aims at a Sustainable Marketplace Cohesively Clubbed with an Ecosystem for a Potential Donor, Investors, Funder, Community & Stakeholders.  The Manifesto is to provide a Peer-to-Peer Lending, Investing active participation in High Income & Sophisticated Projects. The Platform for Financing, Production & Distribution of Projects.  The International Network of Independent Thought-Makers of the Creative Industry, Marketplace, a Community & a Societal Ecosystem at Large.