Start Up's

Baked With Love

by Geetika Paul
Created Aug 12, 2022 | Hyderabad
₹0 raised of ₹100,000 goal 0.00%
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Greetings to All,

My entire life revolves around baking and i don't think i can explain my situation in simple words. So i'll tell you in short that ever since i was a kid, i've been very keen about cooking/baking, it has been my passion for a long time. The way to their heart is through their stomach... and i believe in that strongly. Who doesn't like to eat cakes, right. I never had the opportunity for people to be able to taste the cakes that i bake, which explains why i'm here. Let's BAKE this world a better place!
I've been very eager to start something on my own for a long time but never took any action cuz i didn't know where to start from and i also need money before starting anyting. Being a woman in a very concervative society, things have not been very easy for me. There's not a lot of support from anyone. I never wanted to be dependent on anyone whatsoever. Bake%207_1660300100.jpg
To be very honest, i have inadequate funds to buy all the equipment that is needed for baking. I learnt how to bake in my aunts house when i was just a kiddo. Wihtout realising i had developed this weird interest in baking while learning, and you should make a career out of what you love the most, which is exactly what i'm trying to do. With just little help, you can help a woman become independent and to do what she loves.

Starting business from home is definitely one way to take care of myself and also keeping myself busy in one thing or the other, it's better than sitting at home doing nothing. It's not easy but i need challenges in my life... doesn't everyone though? Not just me but everyone and anyone will be able to taste the delecious Cakes and Cupcakes. I'm gonna be sending these to cafes, bakeries and to whoever has a sweet tooth.

Things i will be able to afford after i get adequate amount of funds :

1. Oven
2. Cake Tins
3. Stand Mixer
4. Packing Marterial
5. Measuring Tools
6. Hand Mixer
7. Palette Knife

Your Generous Gesture is Highly Appreciated and I'm Looking forward to many more contributors coming forward to help me reach my goal.!

Thank You

Best Regards


Geetika Paul
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